An apartment, or flat, is a self-contained housing unit that occupies only part of a building. Such a building may be called an apartment building, especially if it consists of many apartments for rent. Apartments may be owned by an owner/occupier or rented by tenants. The term apartment is favored in North America, whereas the term flat is commonly, but not exclusively, used in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Ireland and most Commonwealth countries. In Malaysian English, flat often denotes a housing block of lesser quality meant for lower-income groups, while apartment is more generic and may also include luxury condominiums. Tenement law refers to the feudal basis of permanent property such as land or rents. May be found combined as in "Messuage or Tenement" to encompass all the land, buildings and other assets of a property. In the US, some apartment-dwellers own their own apartments, either as co-ops, in which the residents own shares of a corporation that owns the building or development; or in condominiums, whose residents own their apartments and share ownership of the public spaces. Most apartments are in buildings designed for the purpose, but large older houses are sometimes divided into apartments. The word apartment connotes a residential unit or section in a building. In some locations, particularly the United States, the word denotes a rental unit owned by the building owner, and is not typically used for a condominium. In the UK, some flat owners own a share in the company that owns the freehold of the building. This is commonly known as a "share of freehold" flat. The freehold company has the right to collect annual ground rents from each of the flat owners in the building. The freeholder can also develop or sell the building, subject to the usual planning and restrictions that might apply. In some countries the word unit is a more general term referring to both apartments and rental business suites. The word is generally used only in the context of a specific building; e.g., "This building has three units" or "I'm going to rent a unit in this building", but not "I'm going to rent a unit somewhere." In Australia, a unit refers to flats, apartments or even semi-detached houses. Some buildings can be characterized as mixed use buildings, meaning part of the building is for commercial, business, or office use, usually on the first floor or first couple floors, and there are one or more apartments in the rest of the building, usually on the upper floors. When there is no tenant occupying an apartment, the apartment owner or landlord is said to have a vacancy. For apartment landlords, each vacancy represents a loss of income from rent-paying tenants for the time the apartment is vacant (i.e., unoccupied). Landlords' objectives are often to minimize the vacancy rate for their units. The owner of the apartment, typically when transferring possession to the occupant, gives him/her the key to the apartment entrance and any other keys needed, such as a common key to the building or any other common areas and a mailbox key. When the occupant(s) move out, these keys are typically returned to the owner.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009
An apartment, or flat, is a self-contained housing unit that occupies only part of a building. Such a building may be called an apartment building, especially if it consists of many apartments for rent. Apartments may be owned by an owner/occupier or rented by tenants. The term apartment is favored in North America, whereas the term flat is commonly, but not exclusively, used in the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Ireland and most Commonwealth countries. In Malaysian English, flat often denotes a housing block of lesser quality meant for lower-income groups, while apartment is more generic and may also include luxury condominiums. Tenement law refers to the feudal basis of permanent property such as land or rents. May be found combined as in "Messuage or Tenement" to encompass all the land, buildings and other assets of a property. In the US, some apartment-dwellers own their own apartments, either as co-ops, in which the residents own shares of a corporation that owns the building or development; or in condominiums, whose residents own their apartments and share ownership of the public spaces. Most apartments are in buildings designed for the purpose, but large older houses are sometimes divided into apartments. The word apartment connotes a residential unit or section in a building. In some locations, particularly the United States, the word denotes a rental unit owned by the building owner, and is not typically used for a condominium. In the UK, some flat owners own a share in the company that owns the freehold of the building. This is commonly known as a "share of freehold" flat. The freehold company has the right to collect annual ground rents from each of the flat owners in the building. The freeholder can also develop or sell the building, subject to the usual planning and restrictions that might apply. In some countries the word unit is a more general term referring to both apartments and rental business suites. The word is generally used only in the context of a specific building; e.g., "This building has three units" or "I'm going to rent a unit in this building", but not "I'm going to rent a unit somewhere." In Australia, a unit refers to flats, apartments or even semi-detached houses. Some buildings can be characterized as mixed use buildings, meaning part of the building is for commercial, business, or office use, usually on the first floor or first couple floors, and there are one or more apartments in the rest of the building, usually on the upper floors. When there is no tenant occupying an apartment, the apartment owner or landlord is said to have a vacancy. For apartment landlords, each vacancy represents a loss of income from rent-paying tenants for the time the apartment is vacant (i.e., unoccupied). Landlords' objectives are often to minimize the vacancy rate for their units. The owner of the apartment, typically when transferring possession to the occupant, gives him/her the key to the apartment entrance and any other keys needed, such as a common key to the building or any other common areas and a mailbox key. When the occupant(s) move out, these keys are typically returned to the owner.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Real estate pricing
median home price is one of the most common measurements mistakenly used to compare real estate prices in different markets, areas, and periods. It is said to be less biased than the mean (average) price since it is not as heavily influenced by small number of very highly priced homes. However, this is not true. Actually, it is more biased than the mean because it is more easily influenced by abnormalities in the market, such as an extraordinary influx of say, low-selling foreclosure sales prevalent in an economic downturn. ( The statement made up to this point by the previous author is completely false, by statistical definition "the mean is affected by each and every value, which is an advantage. The mean uses all the data and each data item influences the mean. It is also a DISADVANTAGE because extremely large or small values can cause the mean to be pulled to the extreme value" (Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making, 5th edition, Black K. p 51). In other words in the authors attempted example....all those lower price houses are actually affecting the mean (average price) MORE than they would affect the Median. "The Median is unaffected by the magnitude of extreme scores" Business Statistics for Contemporary Decision Making, 5th edition, Black K. p 49). all the data and each data item influences the mean. The mean is unbiased ONLY when extreme outliers in the data are not present, the median is not influenced by extreme values. The term "outlier" is a statistical term dictating how relevant say a home price is to the other prices in the set of prices, there are specific tests for this but the best example perhaps would be the following. Nine homes all sell for prices in the range of say 100-140,000 dollars but one home sells for 225,000. This number would be considered an "outlier" to the rest of the data (example is too complicated to write here) but the point is that the number is substantially different than the sales prices of the other homes. In the authors example the mean would be substantially MORE influenced by the "influx of low sales price of homes than the Median would. One way to determine what to sell your home for would be to look at the numbers that composed the average, are they relatively similar-within 5-10% of each other or are they significantly far apart 15% or greater. If the prices look like they are all over the board than take each price and write them in order from the smallest to the largest price. The number that is in the middle of that list you just made would be the Median. If you have a list of numbers with an even number of prices in it (say 8 different prices) the median is found by adding the 4th and 5th prices together and then dividing that result by 2. In the case of any list if there is an even number of prices you add the two middle terms and divide by two. Should you use the Median or the Mean? Well the answer in todays market is tricky. The next item to look at is "days on the market". So perhaps a home in your area sold for a nice price but was on the market for 5 months (150 days). Do you (can you) afford to wait that long? If so, do not be afraid to keep your realtor in check by telling him/her what price you want to sell at remember they work for you. You should also follow up to be certain your home is listed and they are not ignoring the listing because they do not want to put in the work at that price. A good realtor will work hard at every price and let you be wrong for perhaps 21 days. At which point the good realtor will show you their efforts vs results and you will probably reason with them to drop your price a few percent. Do not be afraid to use a median price if the sales prices are really scattered and the Median price is actually higher than the Mean. Any realtor who fights statistically factual information when your answer is a higher selling price than theirs is doing you a disservice and just doesn't want to wait to get paid. Nobody wants to wait forever to get a check but you have a right to sell your home at a price that is relative to your situation-not your realtors. Generally speaking the mean is an OK measurement but it's useless when you only use the standard "few comparables" that is generally used. In todays market especially, if you want to know the REAL price to sell your home for than use the mean of perhaps ten of the most recent sales and than ask your realtor to perform a "t-test at the 95% confidence interval to determine the high and low range values. (Watch your realtor's eyes roll back in his/her head when you present this idea). This answer to this test is saying that, there is a 95% chance that the mean sales price is between the upper and lower values. If you strictly use the mean you have a 50% chance of being's your money, would you rather be 50% right or 95% right? Any basic statistics book such as "Business Statistics for contemporary Decision making, 5th Edition, Black, K., p 310) or engineering friend will be able to show you how to do this calculation. But let's remember Real Estate is a license and these individuals are good at presentation, centralizing a place where buyers and sellers can meet, and working the process. They are not however necessarily adept at statistics. Continue on for more entertainment in this article. Common Realtor arguments for establishing a low sales price include: "I've been doing this for ex years...blah blah blah" " I know this market better than anyone" Translate this and similar phrases into the following: " I really don't wanna work hard and so I wanna set your house price at the lowest level possible so we can unload it and I can move on" They may refute that statement saying they get paid more if the house sells for more but when you consider a slow moving real estate market. A house selling at $275,000 would net one realtors firm 3% or $8,250. That same house selling at $310,000 would net the realtor (at 3%) $9,300. BUT if they had to wait 90 days to get that extra 1,050 they won't do it. The real question is can you yourself afford to wait 90 days for an extra $35,000. That's about 11,000 per month in your pocket-not bad change. So listening to a lazy realtor can cost you some serious cash. Now on the the humorous AND obvious attempt of a dim-witted realtor's attempt at explaining statistics This is due to the tiny sampling size of just 1 (or at best) 2 sales that the median sale represents. The median introduces an unacceptable level of Sampling error. The mean, though not perfect, is superior to the median because it at least eliminates sampling error by utilizing all of the available sales. Rents and prices are often expressed per square foot to act as a basis of comparison. Home prices are limited by various factors, such as the incomes of potential buyers, the cost and ability to construct new property to increase supply, and demand for rental units. Since eighty percent of all homes purchased are purchased with a mortgage,[citation needed] the ability to make payments, borrow money, and the cost of borrowing money are major influences limiting how far prices can rise before hitting resistance due to prices hitting levels where potential are unable to qualify.[who?] In general the ratio in the US are home values at 2-4 times annual income levels.[citation needed]
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
International real estate
The term international real estate is a relatively new phenomenon, which implies a post-Globalization real estate, or property sector. The term encompasses real property development and sales/leasing transactions between nations; and the enormous amount of legal, design, urban planning, engineering, financing, and construction work that follows from developmental transactions. International real estate is, by definition, influenced by fluctuating market value in various sectors between counties, as can be evidenced by the 2008 global credit crisis. International real estate is best subdivided into two categories: commercial and residential. International commercial real estate has been a natural consequence of business' evolution toward multi-national business operations. Often, International commercial real estate transactions require the formation of corporations used to purchase or lease real estate, when freehold ownership is not permitted. International real estate, as it involves the purchase and sale of international residential real estate, is often limited to the "luxury" sector of the real estate market, usually defined as the top 10% of sales prices in a given market. This is because international home purchases are usually buyers' second homes, although marketshare exists in "affordable luxury" holiday homes. Within the international residential real estate sector, great emphasis is placed on property marketing. International real estate may have been aided by modern media such as internet or international media, as it catalysed globalization and aided in the communications necessary for transactions to take place. It is not true that international real estate did not exist before the World Wide Web, but it is certainly true that it was not as effective and accessible as it is nowadays. International real estate is one of the most dynamic branches of real estate encompassing experts from many different fields, including law, civil engineering and construction planning. Its main aims include infrastructural development and augmentation of the tourist industry. The recent construction of international real estate directories and forums in which the interested parties can communicate and exchange information has been a major breakthrough resulting in major development in the field.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Real estate transfer tax
Some states have a variety of transfer tax laws which may include specific exemptions for certain types of buyers based on buying status or income level (e.g. Maryland exempts certain "first time buyers" from a percentage of the total or excludes a portion of the property's sales price from taxation altogether).
Another variation which exists is either the legal requirement to split the taxes between the parties or the local custom to do so. Thus, in Washington, DC, the 2.2% is generally split between the seller and the buyer. Prior to buying or selling, it is advisable to check with the Recorder of Deeds, a Realtor, or title company to confirm a specific jurisdiction's practices.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The legal arrangement for the right to occupy a dwelling is known as the housing tenure. Types of housing tenure include owner occupancy, Tenancy, housing cooperative, condominiums (individually parceled properties in a single building), public housing, squatting, and cohousing.
When one or more tenants live together, they may choose to split the cost of residency through a net lease. To save money having a residence, tenants may have the option to have a net lease. The only cost of this would be having to share the residence with another tenant. Net leases come in many different forms including: single, double, and triple net leases; depending on how many tenants are sharing the net lease.[6]
Residences can be classified by, if, and how they are connected to neighboring residences and land. Different types of housing tenure can be used for the same physical type. For example, connected residents might be owned by a single entity and leased out, or owned separately with an agreement covering the relationship between units and common areas and concerns.
'Single-family detached home'
Major physical categories in North America and Europe include:
Attached / multi-unit dwellings
Apartment - An individual unit in a multi-unit building. The boundaries of the apartment are generally defined by a perimeter of locked or lockable doors. Often seen in multi-story apartment buildings.
Multi-family house - Often seen in multi-story detached buildings, where each floor is a separate apartment or unit.
Terraced house (a.k.a. townhouse or rowhouse) - A number of single or multi-unit buildings in a continuous row with shared walls and no intervening space.
Condominium - Building or complex, similar to apartments, owned by individuals. Common grounds are owned and shared jointly. There are townhouse or rowhouse style condominiums as well.
Semi-detached dwellings
Duplex - Two units with one shared wall.
Single-family detached home
Portable dwellings
Mobile homes - Potentially a full-time residence which can be (might not in practice be) movable on wheels.
Houseboats - A floating home
Tents - Usually very temporary, with roof and walls consisting only of fabric-like material.
The size of an apartment or house can be described in square feet or meters. In the United States, this includes the area of "living space", excluding the garage and other non-living spaces. The "square meters" figure of a house in Europe may report the total area of the walls enclosing the home, thus including any attached garage and non-living spaces, which makes it important to inquire what kind of surface definition has been used.
It can be described more roughly by the number of rooms. A studio apartment has a single bedroom with no living room (possibly a separate kitchen). A one-bedroom apartment has a living or dining room separate from the bedroom. Two bedroom, three bedroom, and larger units are common. (A bedroom is defined as a room with a closet for clothes storage.)
See List of house types for a complete listing of housing types and layouts, real estate trends for shifts in the market and house or home for more general information.
When one or more tenants live together, they may choose to split the cost of residency through a net lease. To save money having a residence, tenants may have the option to have a net lease. The only cost of this would be having to share the residence with another tenant. Net leases come in many different forms including: single, double, and triple net leases; depending on how many tenants are sharing the net lease.[6]
Residences can be classified by, if, and how they are connected to neighboring residences and land. Different types of housing tenure can be used for the same physical type. For example, connected residents might be owned by a single entity and leased out, or owned separately with an agreement covering the relationship between units and common areas and concerns.
'Single-family detached home'
Major physical categories in North America and Europe include:
Attached / multi-unit dwellings
Apartment - An individual unit in a multi-unit building. The boundaries of the apartment are generally defined by a perimeter of locked or lockable doors. Often seen in multi-story apartment buildings.
Multi-family house - Often seen in multi-story detached buildings, where each floor is a separate apartment or unit.
Terraced house (a.k.a. townhouse or rowhouse) - A number of single or multi-unit buildings in a continuous row with shared walls and no intervening space.
Condominium - Building or complex, similar to apartments, owned by individuals. Common grounds are owned and shared jointly. There are townhouse or rowhouse style condominiums as well.
Semi-detached dwellings
Duplex - Two units with one shared wall.
Single-family detached home
Portable dwellings
Mobile homes - Potentially a full-time residence which can be (might not in practice be) movable on wheels.
Houseboats - A floating home
Tents - Usually very temporary, with roof and walls consisting only of fabric-like material.
The size of an apartment or house can be described in square feet or meters. In the United States, this includes the area of "living space", excluding the garage and other non-living spaces. The "square meters" figure of a house in Europe may report the total area of the walls enclosing the home, thus including any attached garage and non-living spaces, which makes it important to inquire what kind of surface definition has been used.
It can be described more roughly by the number of rooms. A studio apartment has a single bedroom with no living room (possibly a separate kitchen). A one-bedroom apartment has a living or dining room separate from the bedroom. Two bedroom, three bedroom, and larger units are common. (A bedroom is defined as a room with a closet for clothes storage.)
See List of house types for a complete listing of housing types and layouts, real estate trends for shifts in the market and house or home for more general information.
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